Wisconsin Lions Foundation


28 million


are afflicted with hearing loss and cannot fully appreciate this unique sensory experience

Since 1981, WLF has realized the adverse effect which hearing loss can have on an individual, the family and society as a whole. Hearing impairment is the most common and widespread form of physical disability in the United States today. It is a “silent” disability, evoking little public recognition and sympathy. Individuals who are Hard of Hearing usually do not look any different or bear any outward sign of their affliction.

The WLF Hearing Project is dedicated to the needs of the Hard of Hearing. It is run by a combined effort of Wisconsin Lions and Hearing Healthcare Professionals throughout Wisconsin. This project is for Wisconsin residents who are Hard of Hearing, cannot afford to purchase a hearing instrument and do not qualify for any existing state-funded financial assistance programs.

Any individual interested in receiving assistance from the Project is required to fill out an application for Financial Assistance, which can be obtained by going to our resources page or calling the WLF office toll free at (877) 463-6953.

If you are interested in helping with this Project, please consider the following:

  • Promote in your Club and Community the importance of good hearing and a greater sensitivity for those who are Hard of Hearing.
  • Encourage the donation of used hearing aids to the WLF Hearing Project.
    • A continuous supply of hearing aids, which can be recycled for salvage credit, is always needed. Hearing Aid donors may be eligible for an IRS tax deduction.
    • Collected or donated hearing aids can be deposited in hearing aid or eyeglass collection canisters. These are available from the Wisconsin Lions Foundation. A current listing of eyeglass recycling drop off locations where you can also drop off hearing aids can be found here.
  • Help to identify individuals who might benefit from the WLF Hearing Project and expedite the process by promptly responding to applicants’ requests for assistance.