What is the WLF Hearing Project all about?
  • The WLF Hearing Project is dedicated to the needs of the Hard of Hearing. It is run by a combined effort of Wisconsin Lions and Hearing Healthcare Professionals throughout the State.
Who is the WLF Hearing Project designed to served?
  • The WLF Hearing Project helps Wisconsin’s individuals who are Hard of Hearing, cannot afford to purchase a hearing instrument and do not qualify for any existing state-funded financial assistance programs.
How does the WLF Hearing Project work?
  • The success of the WLF Hearing Project relies on the collaborative efforts and generosity of Wisconsin Lions, Hearing Healthcare Professionals, and hearing aid manufacturers. Lions Clubs throughout the State collect used hearing aids and provide funding for recipients; Hearing Professionals agree to accept reduced fees for their services; and hearing aid manufacturers provide large discounts on hearing devices dispensed to recipients.
How does an individual apply for assistance from the Wisconsin Lions Foundation Hearing Project?
  • Any individual interested in receiving assistance from the Project is required to fill out an application for Financial Assistance. Applications can be obtained by contacting a local Lions Club, calling the Foundation Office toll free at (877) 463-6953 or by clicking here.
How is an applicant’s financial eligibility determined?
  • Applications are carefully reviewed by the District Hearing Chairperson where the applicant resides. District Hearing Chairpersons refer to the WLF Hearing Project Protocol which provides suggested guidelines to use when making financial eligibility decisions.
Is the information provided on the application kept confidential?
  • Yes. The only people who see the information provided on the application are the District Hearing Chairperson and the Healthcare Supervisor.
Can an applicant apply for financial assistance after they have purchased a hearing device?
  • No. Applications for payment of hearing aids that were fitted without prior authorization will not be considered.
Does the WLF Hearing Project pay for hearing evaluations, hearing aid evaluations and/or medical evaluations performed for the purpose of obtaining a hearing aid(s)?
  • No, simply because the costs of providing these services would be prohibitive. These costs may or may not be the recipient’s responsibility, depending upon their insurance coverage. It is the recipient’s responsibility to check with their insurance carrier regarding these costs.
What types of hearing aids are dispensed to recipients?
  • The style, brand and model which are most appropriate for the recipient’s hearing needs are determined by a Hearing Professional. All attempts are made to supply the hearing aid of choice; however, if cost is prohibitive, the Hearing Professional and Healthcare Supervisor work together to find the best option.
How is the Hearing Project Funded?
  • Funding the Hearing Project is accomplished through the time and efforts of dedicated District Hearing Chairpersons. The only way Lions Clubs are going to provide funds is if they know about the WLF Hearing Project and feel confident their money is going to a good cause. District Hearing Chairpersons are encouraged to promote the WLF Hearing Project via presentations, literature, etc. For help and various promotional ideas, District Hearing Chairpersons are encouraged to contact the Healthcare Supervisor.
Does the WLF Hearing Project pay for the repair of hearing aids?
  • Yes, with two requirements:
    • The hearing aid(s) had to have been purchased through the WLF Hearing Project.
    • The Recipient must meet the financial criteria set forth in the WLF Hearing Project Protocol.
  • The application procedure is the same as for a new hearing aid, with the exception of the application for Financial Assistance, which is modified to accommodate the repair request.
How important is the collection of used hearing aids?
  • Absolutely critical to the success of the WLF Hearing Project. The salvage credit account greatly defrays the costs incurred by the Lions when providing hearing devices; without it, costs would go up significantly. The very unfortunate result would be fewer individuals receiving the help they need.