In this Team Member Spotlight, we meet Liz Shelley, the Wisconsin Lions Foundation’s Executive Assistant. Liz is instrumental in managing the Foundation Office’s daily operations, ensuring the Foundation’s projects remain effective and continue to grow. A large part of her job, too, is funds development, where she is responsible for receiving and acknowledging donors, helping them decide how they want us to use their donations and staying in touch with those donors to continue building positive relationships in the future. She is also involved with event planning and handles Human Resources for the Foundation Read all about Liz and her WLF Story below!
Name and Job Title:
Liz Shelley, Executive Assistant
Tell us a little about yourself (hobbies, personal interests, who are you outside of work)?
The biggest part of my life is Faith and Family. I have been married over 20 years to my husband, Jason. We have two wonderful sons, Alex and Zavier. Our family has two German Shorthair Pointers, who are a large part of my many miles of walking each year.

Liz Shelley, Executive Assistant
My hobbies include walking, powerlifting, hunting, kayaking and watching my kids or (great) nieces/nephews in their sports/activities.
How long have you worked with the Wisconsin Lions Foundation?
I started in 2004, so I have been here over 20 Years.
How would you describe the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and what you do?
The Wisconsin Lions Foundation is a multi-operational Foundation that helps the needs of thousands of people each year, here in Wisconsin and all over the world. As my son told me one day, “We do good.”
When I first started I was the Administrative Assistant. I have had a few different titles, like Eyeglass Recycling Manager and now I am the Executive Assistant. I do many things from accounts receivable, donation recognition, tours, a lot of paperwork and a little HR, when needed.
How did you originally become involved with this organization?
I became a Lions member in 2001. My husband wanted to join a club. We decided to join the Manawa Lions and help with the Manawa Mid-Western Rodeo. Years later, we ended up moving and transferred to the Iola Lions, where we now help with the Iola Car Show.
How I became involved with WLF: In 2004, I worked in pre-print operations of a promotional products company. They ended up merging and I lost my job. I started the process of looking for another job through a temp agency, when I saw a post for an Administrative Assistant position in Rosholt. The rest is history.
How did you find your way into your current role?
Time and changes.
What’s your favorite part about working with the Wisconsin Lions Foundation or your role?
We vision screen over 100,000 children in Wisconsin each year, provide over 200,000 eyeglasses to the mission field, distribute literature to help people know they could be at risk for diabetes, provide hearing aids to people who need them in Wisconsin, and provide a free week of summer camp to kids and adults. Being part of that is life-changing.
What message do you have for someone interested in becoming a donor to the Wisconsin Lions Foundation? For someone interested in becoming a volunteer/Lion?
Becoming a donor is making an investment in someone else you may never get to meet or ever get to know. You just know you are doing good for someone else.
In one word, describe the Wisconsin Lions Foundation and its Mission: